Sunday, July 8, 2007

Body Language

Body language plays a significant role in communication. Make a list (at least 10) of the different types of body language and explain what they mean. For example, a smile means that a person is happy.

  1. Biting nails means insecurity or nervousness.
  2. Touching, slightly rubbing nose means rejection, doubt or lying
  3. Rubbing the eye means doubt or disbelief
  4. The eyebrows get together means confuse.
  5. Puff the lips means innocent.
  6. Stroking chin means trying to make a decision.
  7. Looking down, face turned away means disbelief.
  8. Open eyes dramatically means surprise.
  9. Hand to cheek means evaluation or thinking
  10. Tapping or drumming fingers means impatience.

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